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By: Marla Cooper

Why Case Studies Lead To Sales

Updated: Oct 27, 2021

Since the early 1990s, the internet has been the go-to place for information and purchases. Before that, people talked to their friends about their needs. Asked for recommendations.

Then, people loaded up and drove to the store, viewed (and maybe touched, sampled, or tried out) the products there. They may have decided to buy or not. Maybe they visited another store to do the same or pored over the photos in a catalog then purchased what they wanted. Sooo time consuming!

Nowadays, the internet is the Grand Poobah when it comes to saving time. Or not. Some websites can be so hard to figure out, so hard to find what you need, or (once you’ve found what you need), so hard to actually make a purchase, you’re ready to scream as you shove the whole computer onto the floor! Or throw your phone against the wall!

That’s why you need a well-planned website, one that works with your customers instead of trying their patience. So, you have a Website Audit done, make some changes, and voila!

Not so fast.

Why not add the coup de grace? A few Case Studies!

Case Studies are like positive reviews, but on steroids.

Case Studies do these things:

  • Earn your trust

  • Educate your customers

  • Validate your promotional claims

A Case Study replaces the face-to-face relationship a salesperson used to have with his customer. These days, especially because of Covid 19, a large part of the population does a lot of their shopping online. The closest thing they can get to a face-to-face experience is reading reviews from strangers. Oftentimes the reviews don’t tell the whole story behind the customers’ experience with you and/or your product.

A Case Study tells the whole story of how you made one customer happy. You solved their problems. Your potential customer says to himself, “Well, look how good it turned out for that guy. I can trust these people.”

A Case Study shows how your happy customer used your product. Sure, most products come with instructions and and/or an owner’s manual or maybe just directions written in a not-so-easy-to-find spot on the device. A Case Study goes the extra mile to educate your customers by telling the whole story of how your happy customer (if it was necessary) may have assembled and adjusted the device they bought from you. After reading the Case Study, the visitor to your website will say to themselves, “Heck, I can do that. I’ll give it a try.” Then they’ll click on that “Contact Me” button, or the “Add to Cart” button.

A Case Study makes it plain that what you’ve promised your product can do is true. By showing how your happy customer benefitted from purchasing your product, visitors to your website have confidence in the promises your promotional materials make.

Remember the old TV promotion, “But wait! That’s not all! With every purchase, you get a set of steak knives!” So, you made the purchase. When the free “steak knives” arrived along with your purchase, you realized they were little more than dangerous children’s toys with plastic handles that easily separated from flimsy blades. Cut a steak? Maybe, if the steak was no more than a quarter of an inch thick.

A Case Study makes good on the promises of your promotions because a Case Study shows the life of a customer before using the device they purchased from you and the way their life was better after using the device.

Other Ways To Use Case Studies

  • Case Studies build your Brand Awareness.

  • Case Studies can be used on social media as content in tweets and stories.

  • Case Studies secure leads through in-person events, webinars and other online events.

  • Case Studies, when included in a newsletter, blog, or short article, strengthen existing leads.

A Case Study builds your Brand Awareness by establishing a voice for your business. If you intend to present a friendly, warm, and accommodating presence to your customer, a Case Study using words that put the reader at ease will do that.

A Case Study (or select portions of a Case Study), when used within a tweet or post on social media can redirect readers to your website.

A Case Study, if printed in multiple copies and offered at in-person events, will carry your business’s name and information as well as information about your product right into the homes of potential customers. Webinars and other online events with links to a Case Study increase leads.

A Case Study (or select portion) included in a short email ad can send your prospect to your website for more information and a possible lead. Include a Case Study in your newsletter or blog, and you’ve strengthened leads you already have.

The bottom line: Case Studies Convert Leads to Sales.

69% of B2B marketers have used Case Studies to market their clients’ products!

Are you ready to add the cherry on top of your great website?

CALL ME NOW for FREE at 1-888-572-9228 to set up your free consultation.

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